December 10, 2020

Life at ElectrifAi: Juliana Rozario, Human Resources Manager

Juliana Rozario, HR Manager at ElectrifAi, has been with the company for about a year and a half. She approaches every challenge with a positive attitude, and this radiates far beyond her department. Though she’s tasked with handling countless requests from employees, her passion for helping people pushes her to always solve problems efficiently and effectively. She considers her work to be challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Since working remote, she has been trying to carve out some time for self-care, then it’s back to work! Her favorite part of working at ElectrifAi are the people she works with. Always open to learn new things, she looks to take on more responsibility as she grows in her career. Her advice? Communicate! The more you talk with your peers and managers, the more everyone can see your valuable contributions to the company.

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Life at ElectrifAi - Juliana Rozario